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Adult Readers & Writers

*Great options for college students, libraries, book clubs, writing groups, and conferences. 


From Concept to Completion: A Writer’s Process 

Readers tend to have a fascination with a writer’s process. What inspired the writer’s idea? How does the writer develop an idea? How long does it take? Does the writer use a computer, a notebook, both? In this presentation, Tamara will share her process as one example of how to bring a book from concept to completion.


The Use of Tropes in Good (and Bad) Writing

Tropes are a fundamental aspect of fiction writing that can help writers create memorable and impactful stories. A trope is a common or familiar theme or device, such as the "love triangle" or a "hero's journey." These familiar elements can be used to create familiarity for readers and to help writers tell their stories more effectively.  Tropes can also help writers by creating a framework for a story, assisting in structuring plot and directing the narrative. However, tropes should also be subverted when possible or used in unexpected ways to create a more nuanced and original story. In this session, we will discuss common tropes that writers may want to avoid and those that writers should embrace. We will brainstorm together how to subvert the tropes and strategize ways to surprise readers.


Writing the Empowered Female Character

The empowered heroine of fiction is not a passing trope. As discussions of gender equality and the #MeToo movement advanced in recent years, readers have become increasingly critical of the representation of female protagonists. This session will highlight the expectations placed on the heroine while noting the contradiction of such expectations. 


13 First Draft Mistakes and How to Fix Them

As they should, writers celebrate that first draft, but then the hard part comes - revision. To revise successfully, writers must identify the key issues plaguing that first draft and be able to address them with appropriate tools and tricks. This session will identify thirteen of the most common first draft mistakes such as info dumps, not fully developing the theme or concept of the novel, weak structure, slow pacing, neglecting the protagonist’s inner journey and more. Additionally, the presenter will share specific techniques for how to remedy each of these challenges in that pesky first draft. 


*Rates and travel expenses for presentations vary. Email Tamara to discuss!

© 2025 Tamara Girardi, Author of Books for Children

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